Shrine at the Retreat in Drakensberg
Blessing people at the Saiva Sungam in Lenasia
Nataraja Abhishakum in Lenasia
Nataraja Abhishakum in Lenasia
Some of the Durban Team
Durban Prayer Day - Steven and Kogie Receive Father at Entrance
Durban Prayer Day - Opening Prayer
Durban Prayer Day - Yagna
Dbn Prayer Day: Arunachala Abishakum
Congregation stretches hands out to receive Divine Blessings
Dbn Prayer Day: People gather around as Fr Kumeran celebrates the Holy Communion
Arunachala Marga Team Durban
Fr Kumeran & Swami Sivayogananda bless the congregation gathered at the Interfaith Dialogue
Attendence at Durban Interfaith Dialogue Evening
Tongaat Veerabhoga Emperumal Temple receives Fr Kumeran
Fr Kumeran at the Shallcross Temple
Krishna Ashtami with Swami Vedananda in Tongaat
With Swami Vishwachakradarananda - Bhakti Marga
Blessing new site of Bhakti Marga in Stanger
Navarathri Celebration at Aunty Saras Temple in Lenasia